Cybersecurity Competence Center
The Cyber Lab, which is active at the BV TECH headquarters in Grottaglie, allows the development of national technologies that need to be tested continuously in order to support specialized training and education activities that are carried out thanks to the support of the Universities that collaborate with the BV TECH Group.

Cyber Security Operation Centre
A centre for threat detection and countering cyber-attacks, that has analysis and correlation event activities.
Cyber Lab
A multidisciplinary research and advanced training laboratory; this is the ideal location for the highly qualified state institutions staff and for the selection and training of talented professionals and young people.
Cybersecurity Suite
A suite of products for the best management of cyber risks which includes the Cyber Range Platform, capable of cyber simulation and SIEM application.
Corso Europa, 3
74023 Grottaglie (TA)
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321
S.P. 84 Adelfia-Rutigliano, C.da Caggiano
70018 Rutigliano (BA)
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Specific Objective 1a - Action 1.1 (R&D), and with the support of the University of Bari and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).